Illustrate! Educate! Organize!

Founded in 2008, the Graphic History Collective (GHC) is a group of activists, artists, writers, and researchers passionate about comics, history and social change.

We produce alternative histories - people's histories - in an accessible format to help people understand the historical roots of contemporary social issues.

To date we have published two graphic novels (May Day: A Graphic History of Protest in Canada and Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working Class Struggle) and we are currently busy with new collaborations and exciting activist art projects.

Our comics show that you don't need a cape and a pair of tights to change the world.

In love and solidarity!

The Graphic History Collective

P.S. We're on Facebook and Twitter.



Sean Carleton is a founding member of the Graphic History Collective. As a historian, he has written about comics and critical pedagogy for both academic and popular audiences, and his primary academic research examines the history of education, colonialism, and capitalism in Canada.


Robin Folvik is a founding member of the Graphic History Collective and a co-author of May Day: A Graphic History of Protest, Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working-Class Struggle, 1919: A Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike, and Direct Action Gets the Goods: A Graphic History of the Strike. She is a Governor General Award winning professional and is passionate about feminist histories and British Columbia’s working people, labour struggles, and social movements. Robin has shared her expertise on numerous projects across Canada and has been involved in the production of films, public history events, workshops, curriculum development, walking tours, museum exhibits, and public history installations. She currently lives on unceded K'ómoks territory.


Kara Sievewright is an artist, writer, and graphic designer who creates comics. Over the last fifteen years she has created graphics, posters, and websites for many radical and progressive movements. She joined the Graphic History Collective in 2015. She lives in Daajing Giids, Haida Gwaii as a settler on unceded Haida territory. You can see more of her work at


Julia Smith joined the Graphic History Collective in 2012. As a historian, her research interests include labour and working-class history, gender and women's studies, and political economy. She has written about women, work, and union organizing, particularly in the service, office, and retail sectors, and she enjoys studying and sharing the history of working peoples.

Founding Members


Sam Bradd is a graphic facilitator and illustrator and a founding member of the Graphic History Collective. He listens and draws to help groups increase engagement, solve problems, and lead. He’s collaborated with health researchers, sustainability visionaries, Indigenous leaders, labour unions, and groups who share his passion for innovative visuals. He's unionized with Unifor’s Freelance Union and lives on unceded Coast Salish Territories.

Mark Leier teaches labour and left history at Simon Fraser University. Mark helped write and research for the May Day comic book.

Trevor McKilligan has lived in Vancouver since 2001. He has been a participant in many grassroots projects in the East Vancouver neighborhood. His preferred weapon is the black ink. Trevor helped write and research for the May Day comic book.

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